St. Johns's (Bishop McNamara) Council History Page
Photos for the 2002-2003 Fraternal Year
Council Book of Reports submission for the 2002-2003 Fraternal Year.
JULY 2002
.In the 2002-2003 Fraternal Year, Bishop McNamara Council No. 1622 was in KofC MD State District 3. District 3 also included St. Michael's of Poplar Springs Council #10525, Archbishop John Carroll Council #11715 in Brunswick, and St. Ignatius of Loyola Council #11815 in Ijamsville, and the new St. Peter the Apostle Council in Libertytown, MD. Our District 3 Deputy was Br. Gary R. Armbruster and our District Warden was Br. Greg Lattus.
Council newsletter for July/August 2002.
July 1, 2002 Council Social Meeting
- A 1st degree exemplification is planned for Aug 5 meeting. Our degree team will be judged by the State Deputy for degree team awards.
- A council picnic will be held on September 14 at Fort Detrick. Coordinator is Br. Bernie Litchfield.
- Golf outing fundraiser is scheduled for September 9.
- The Baltimore SHARE organization has folded and the Western Maryand sites, including us, has been absorbed by the SHARE Washington organization.
- Discussion of the history of a KofC parade through Frederick City in 1955.
Two Knights volunteered at the SJPH Bingo every Saturday night throughout the year.
July 15, 2002 - Installation of Officers was conducted at St. John the Evangelist Church. Exemplifying officials were District Deputy Gary Armbruster and District Warden Greg Lattus. Maryland State Treasurer Edgar Haynes (a Past Grand Knight of Council 1622) and his wife Lisa were also present. The Installation was followed by a private dinner at "The Province Restaurant".
July 27, 2002, Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site.
August 5, 2002 Council Social Meeting -SJPH 7:30 PM
- Application for membership for Jesse Nolan, approved.
- A 1st Degree Exemplification was conferred on Br. Jesse Nolan. This 1st Degree was dedicated to Fr. Leo Tittler.
- The semi-annual council financial audit has been completed.
- Our District Deputy announce that our council will receive the Star Council Award and McGivney Award for the previous 2001-2002 Fraternal Year.
- A 2nd degree is scheduled for September 10.
August 19, 2002 - Council Business Meeting
- Application for membership from Joseph M. "Mike" Willett, approved.
- Volunteers are requested to work on landscaping and gardening in the courtyard of the Visitation Academy on October 25 and 26.
- Our September 3 social meeting will include an invitation for our ladies to attend.
> August 24, 2002 SHARE D-Day
August 27, 2002, Elizabeth Ann Seton Chapter of Grand Knights, 1st Degree Exemplification at Bishop McNamara Council at SJPH Prospect Hall.
Council newsletter for September/October 2002.
Tuesday, September 3, 2002 - Council Social Meeting - SJPH 7:30pm
- The Supreme Council awarded the council a Certificate of Appreciation for our donations.
- Family of the Month for July was awarded to Br. Dave and Janet Zakrzwski.
- Family of the Month for August was awarded to Br. Mortenson and family.
- Our annual family picnic is scheduled for September 14 at Fort Detrick.
- Our golf outing fundraiser is scheduled for September 9 at the Hollow Creek Country Club.
- Barbara Dowell (daughter of Br. D. James Dowell) and Br. Bob Dickenson were recognized by SHARE of Washington.
- Car raffle - volunteers are needed to man our both at the Great Frederick Fair in September. We will collect after Masses at St. John the Evangelist Church on September 7 and 8.
- Tootsie Roll campaign planning, we have two locations lined up for our October T.Roll campaign in October.
- A 2nd degree exemplification will be held on September 10 at SJPH.
- A 3rd degree exemplification will be held on September 15 in Cumberland, MD.
September 9, 2002 - Our golf outing fundraiser was held on September 9 at the Hollow Creek Country Club. We had 45 golfers, superb weather, great food and plenty of prizes. The golf outing organizer, Br. John Fox, reported that we netted approximately $900 in support of the Catholic school's building funds. Photos are posted on our council photo webpage.
September 14, 2002 - This year's Council Family Picnic was held on Saturday, September 14th at Fort Detrick’s recreational park. Many thanks to Br. Bernie Litchfield Jr. and wife Debbie and their friends JP, Dwayne and Rob who put on a most excellent spread (the tuna steaks were superb!!).
September 16, 2002 - Council Business Meeting at SJPH
- Applications for membership for Dan Kersey, Kevin Quinn, and Robert Sheehan, approved.
- A 1st degree exemplification is scheduled for our social meeting on October 7.
- A coffee and donut social will be hosted by our council after Sunday Masses on October ?? and November 24 at St. John the Evangelist Church. Coordinator: Br. Michael Harrison.
- Gardening event at Visitation Academy is scheduled for October 26.
September 28, 2002 - SHARE - D-Day
September 28 & 29, 2002 - Christmas card sales after Masses at St. John the Evangelist Church.
October 7, 2002 Council Social Meeting at SJPH.
- Applications for membeship for James F. Buchanan, Louis "Bud" Foss, Glen Huntington, David Sabo, and Mark Waller, approved.
- Application for transfer into our council for Br. Louis Dominick, III, from Our Lady of the Valley Council 11703 in Middletown, MD, approved.
- A 1st degree exemplification was conferred on Br. Jim Concannon, Br. Lou "Bud" Foss, Br. Glenn Huntington, Br. Kevin Quinn, Br. David Sabo, Br. Robert Sheehan, and Br. Mark Waller.
(LtoR) Unidentified Knight, unidentified Knight, Br. Mark Waller (1622, front), Br. Kevin Quinn (1622, rear), unidentified Knight, unidentified Knight, unidentified Knight, Br. Glenn Huntington (1622), Br. Robert Sheehan (1622), Br. Lou "Bud" Foss (1622), Br. Jim Concannon (1622). Br. David Sabo (1622) is one of the unidentified Knights.
- A coffee and donut social will be hosted by our council on one week in mid-November and December after the 9am and 11 am Mass at St. John the Evangelist Church. Coordinator: Br. Michael Harrison.
October 14, 2002 - Grand Knight Joel Tootill and Br. Aaron Tootill carry our council banner in the Columbus Day Parade in Baltimore, MD.
October 21, 2002 - Council Business Meeting.
- There will be a 2nd degree exemplification on November 14 in Urbana and a 3rd degree exemplification on November 11 in Rockville, MD.
- On Wednesday, October 23, there will be a pastoral dinner talk. Three Knights are needed to help set up.
- Our council is establishing a haberdashery of KofC shirts, hats, etc. PGK Bill Kinsella Sr. is managing this effort. The council approved funds to purchase inventory.
- Our Ladies Auxiliary is collecting socks, toothbrushes, etc, for the elderly.
- The scholarship committee met last Friday to review applications and choose 2 youths to received scholarships.
- This year's rules from the MD State Council for "Keep Christ in Christmas" poster contest were reviewed. This contest will begin shortly.
- Gardening at the Visitation academy will begin at 7:30 am to approximately 2 pm.
- The memorial Mass with Catholic Daughters is scheduled for November 8 at St. John the Evangelist Church. Fr. Wayne Funk and Fr. Leo Tittler will Co-celebrate.
- Youth essay contest will begin in the Spring.
- Tootsie Roll campaign, locations scheduled include Giant Foods, Walmart, St. Catharine Drexel Church, St. John the Evangelist Chruch, and the 7th Street Safeway.
- Our annual Council Christmas party will be on December 16 at the PGK Dave and Cindy Satterfield residence. Please bring a gift for Brithright of Frederick.
- Motion to round up profit from golf outing to provide a total of $900 for the three Catholic schools, approved.
- October 21, 2002. Council meeting at St. John's Literary Institute at Propect Hall. Awards to members. (LtoR) Br. Dave Zakrzwski, Br. John Fox, Grand Knight Joel Tootill, Br. Dave Mortenson, and Br. J. Patrick Curley.
Oct 26, 2002, Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site.
Oct 26, 2002, Garden clean up at Visitation Academy.
Council newsletter for November/December 2002.
November 4, 2002 - Council Social Meeting at SJPH.
- We received a thank you letter from Catholic Charities for our donation.
- Maryland State Council informed us that Council 1622 was 7th in the state for car raffle ticket sales.
Nov 8, 2002 - Cncl Annual Memorial Mass at St. John the Evangelist Church.
Council/Assembly Memorial Mass Program Booklet for Nov 8, 2002.
- The memorial Mass was held jointly with the Catholic Daughters of the Americas.
- A commemorative service was held before Mass for the following recently deceased Knights and spouses: former Br. Joseph Jouvenal, Sr., SK Emmitt J. Norris, SK George Williams (PGK), Widow Dorothy Craw (wido of Br. Alexander R. Craw), Mrs. Kathleen O'Neil (wife of Br. Sean O'Neil), and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Smallwood (widow of SK James Louis Smallwod).
- After the Mass, a reception was held in the hall of the St. John's Regional School adjacent to the church. Food was donated for the reception by local restaurants.
November 14 and 15, 2002 - Congratulations to those who took their second and 3rd degree on November 14 & 15 respectively. Those men taking their 2nd Degree were; Jim Concannon, Louis Foss, Glen Huntington, Kevin Quinn, and Dave Sabo. The 2nd Degree was held at St. Ignatius of Loyola in Urbana. The 3rd Degree was taken by Patrick Bills, Jim Concannon, Kevin Quinn, and Dave Sabo. The 3rd Degree was convened at in Rockville with a class of 33.
November 17, 2002, KofC hosted a St. John’s Coffee & Donuts social after the 9am & 11am Masses.
November 18, 2002, Council Business Meeting.
- Application for membership for John Allen Burn and John Secca, approved.
- Received letters of thank you from Birthright of Fredrick, Hospice, and the Community Foundation of Frederick County (CFFC).
- Upcoming coffee and donuts social at St. John's, Br. Thomas Jackson coordinator.
- Visitation Academy gardening completed. We spread a lot of mulch.
- Volunteers needed for St. John's advent setup on Nov 30 and Dec 4, and Christmas set up on Dec 23.
- Family of the month for October was awarded to Br. Patrick Curly, III.
November 23, 2002 - 4th Saturday SHARE D-Day
November 24, 2002 - KofC hosts a St. John’s Coffee & Donuts social after the 9am & 11am Masses. Donuts were served in the cafeteria of the St. John's Regional Catholic School. Photo of Janet Zakrzwski and Br. Eric Phillips.
November 30, 2002 - Decorating St. John the Evangelist Church for Advent. Photo of Michael Czarnecki on the ladder and Grand Knight Joel Tootill below
December 1, 2002, Coffee and Donut Social after Masses at St. John the Evangelist Church.
December 2, 2002 - Council Social Meeting.
- A 1st Degree Exemplification was conferred on Br. John Sica and Br. Alan Brune. The degree was witnessed by Br. Romeo Gathier (Past State Deputy), Br. Martin Leuchanski (Former District Deputy), District Deputy Gary Armbruster, District Warden Greg Lattus, and Br. Chuck Teal (Insurance Advisor).
- The MD State Star Council Award was awarded to PGK Michael Harrison at St. John's Literary Institute for previous 2001-2002 Fraternal Year.
(LtoR) PGK William Kinsella Sr - Membership Chariman for 2001-2002; PGK Michael Harrison - Past Grand Knight of Bishop McNamara Council for 2001-2002 Fraternal Year (award period); Romeo Gauthier - Past Maryland State Deputy for 2001-2002; Martin Luchanski - Former District 3 Deputy for 2001-2002; and Chuck Teal - KofC Insurance Advisor.
- Grand Knight's Report
- - Our next Visitation Academy gardening event is theis coming Saturday.
- - Visitation Academy has requested assistance with their raffle fundraiser.
- - Our annual Council Christmas party will be on Dec 16 at the David and Cindy Satterfield residence.
- - Our Youth Squires Circle restarted last week after several years of inactivity.
- - Our Ladies Auxiliary will meet tomorrow.
- Church programs - help needed for Coffee and Donut social at St. John the Evangelist Church this weekend.
- Family - Br. Julius Pellegrino, Help is needed with judging of "Keep Christ in Christmas" poster contest on this Saturday, December 7, at the SJPH library.
- Our 2nd annual Golf Outing is planned for May 12, 2003.
- PGK Bill Kinsella was awarded Knight of the Year for the previous 2001-2002 Fraternal Year.
December 7, 2002 - Judging session for the "Keep Christ in Christmas" poster contest in the SJPH library. All in all, 609 children of St. John’s Regional Catholic School, Elementary Catechesis, Visitation Academy, and St. Thomas More Schools participated in the council contest. In addition, a record number of judges were on hand to make the process run smoothly, including Br. Allen Byrne, PGK Tom Defibaugh, PGK Bill Kinsella, Br. David Mortenson, Phyllis Mortenson, PGK Dick O’Connor, Br. Kevin Quinn, Br. John Sica, Penny Sica, Br. David Zakrzwski, Janet Zakrzwski, and Br. Julius Pellegrino (contest coordinator).
December 7, 2002 - Assisting in Visitation Academy bazaar.
December ??, 2002 - Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site.
December 16, 2001 - Council Christmas party. The annual Christmas Party was held on Monday December 16th at Dave and Cindy Satterfield's home. Once again, a wonderful time was had by all. This year's party included two charity activities: collecting items for newborns and a door prize raffle for needy Council on Aging clients. First, members brought unwrapped new-born baby item, such as clothing, diapers or blankets, for Birthright of Frederick to give to new mothers. The second effort consisted of a dollar raffle (or 6 tickets for $5) for a number of door prizes provided by the Ladies Auxiliary, of which the proceeds of the raffle will be used by the Ladies Auxiliary to buy gifts for seniors in nursing homes who are in need.
December 16, 2002 - council meeting was cancelled due to Christmas party.
Dec 23, 2002 - CHRISTMAS CHURCH DECORATION - Knights of St. Johns Round Table and their families helped other St. John's parishioners decorate St. John's Church on Dec 23.
Council newsletter for January/February 2003.
Tuesday, January 6, 2003 Council Social Meeting
- A 2nd degree exemplification is scheduled for Jan 14 here at SJPH.
- Our Youth Basketball Freethrow competition is schsduled for Jan 19 in the SJPH gym.
- Br. James Joseph Rourke died on December 14, 2002.
- Our youth essay contest is now underway.
- The fortieth anniversary of Fr. Leo Tittler's ordination is coming up.
- The council's Christmas Card sales effort in December only brought in a limited profit, we may want to consider doing something else next year.
- A fish fry planning meeting will be held on Jan 25.
- The council audit committee will meet on Jan 26.
- Br. Eric Phillips was presented an award for Family of the Month for November.
- PGK Dave Satterfield was presented awards for Fasmily of the Month and Knight of the Month for December.
January 7, 2003, Christmas decorations take down at St. John the Evangelist Church.
January 19, 2003, The annual Knights of Columbus Free Throw Tournament was held by our council in the gym at SJPH on January 19. Twenty-four students participated in this years tournament with eight winning at the District level who will move on to the State tournament on March 9, 2003. Coordinator: Br. Jeff Balistere. Volunteers included Grand Knight Joel Tootill and District Deputy Greg Lattus.
January 20, 2003 - Council Business Meeting - SJPH
- Bishop McNamara 4th Degree Assembly 384 will conduct a renewal of vows ceremony on Thursday, February 20, which will be followed by a pot luck dinner. Sir Knight Dave Richards, Faithful Pilot of Bishop McNamara Assembly #384, made a 4th degree membership presentation, along with color corps members SK Greg Ross, SK Dick Tymoch, and SK Bill Kinsella.
- Volunteers will be needed on Holy Saturday, April 19, to decorate St. John the Evangelist Church for Easter.
- Council Youth Freethrow competition went very well. This was the 5th year of our council participation. A photo has been submitted to the newspaper.
- The council received thank you letters from Birthright of Frederick, the Elizabeth Ministry of St. John's, St. John's Literary Institute at Prospect Hall, and St. John's Regional School.
- MD Dostrict 3 will conduct a Shrimp Feast and Silent Auction fundraiser for Ed Reeves on Saturday, May 10, in the hall of St. Michael's of Poplar Springs Church. Council members are encouraged to support and attend.
January 22, 2003 - March for Life - Washington DC.
Jan 25, 2003, A “Fish Fry Executive Planning Meeting” was held at Br. Rodney and Barbara Voisine's home for the Fish Fry planning staff.
Jan 25, 2003, Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site.
February 3, 2003 - Council Social Meeting - SJPH 7:30pm.
- Ceremony for Installation of Officers for the Ladies Auxiliary was conducted with Jackie White, wife of State Secretary Ron White, as the installing official. Norma Jean Armbruster, wife of District Deputy Gary Armbruster, also assisted. Also in attendance was Lisa Haynes, wife of State Treasurer Ed Haynes. St. John's Ladies Auxiliary President is Dianna Tootill.
- An insurance presentation was made to members and wives by our council insurance advisor, Br. Norman "Chuck" Teal and the Baltimore region fraternal benefits advisor, Br. Michael Barrett.
Monday, February 17, 2003 - Council Business Meeting - SJPH 7:30pm.
- PGK Dave Satterfield - provided information on upcoming Lenten Fish Fries begining March 14. The kitchen vents at SJPH need to be cleaned.
- PGK Bill Kinsella discussed the upcoming Oldtimer's Dinner.
Feb 22, 2003 Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site
MARCH 2003
Council newsletter for March/April 2003.
March 3, 2003 - Council Social Meeting - SJPH.
- Our Lenten fish fries are still looking for volunteers.
- Entertainment and door prizes are planned for the first fish fry on March 14.
- The ladies auxiliary plans to provide desserts for fundraising.
- Next golf outing fundraiser is scheduled for June 16.
- Squire's Circle committee is recruiting for more young men to achieve the minimum number required to re-institute a Suuire's Circle for our council. Squires Counselors are Br. Wayne Young and Br. Mark Waller.
- The Old Timer's dinner is planned for April 2 by the Bishop McNamara 4th Degree Assembly 384. All Knights and wives welcome.
- Motion to provide yearly funds for additional SJPH Bingo workers Tee-shirts, approved.
- Ms. Joyce Hepner, Western Maryland Alzheimer’s Association, was our guest speaker to Bishop McNamara Council No. 1622, at St. John's Literary Institute at Prospect Hall. In the photo (LtoR): Grand Knight Joel Tootill, Ms. Joyce Hepner, and Br. Thomas Defibaugh with a check presented by the council.
March 7, 2003, 5-8pm - first of six Lenten Fish Fries for this year held in the basement cafeteria of St. John's Literary Institute at Prospect Hall.
March 17, 2003 - Council Business Meeting.
- Application for transfer into our council from Larry Hartman from Bethel Park PA Council No. 3084, approved.
- Grand Knight announces a thank you letter was received from ARC of Frederick.
- Our 2nd Lenten fish fry sold 198 meals. Thank you to Br. Ed Johnston for entertainment at the fish fry.
- This meeting was adjourned early due to the scheduled TV speech of the US President.
March 29, 2003, Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site in Frederick.
Sunday, March 30, 2003 - Recruiting Drive after Masses at St. John the Evangelist Church. Photo of a recruiting team in front of St. John's Regional Catholic School next to St. John the Evangelist Church. (LtoR) ??, Br. Eric Phillips, ??, Br. John Fox, and Br. Bob Ordonio.
APRIL 2003
Council Book of Reports for April 2002 to April 2003.
April 2, 2003 - Old Timer’s Dinner at the Cozy Restaurant, Thurmont, MD, sponsored by the Bishop McNamara 4th Degree Assembly No. 384. Coordinator: SK Bill Kinsella, Sr.
April 7, 2003 - Council Social Meeting - SJPH
- visit by MD State Treasuer Edgar Haynes.
- 1st Degree was conferred on Br. Mike Borchers, Br. James Concannon III (son of Br. Jim Concannon II) and Br. Brad Smith in the gym as SJPH. The 1st degree was also conferred to members of other councils.
April 19, 2003, Holy Saturday - Decorating St. John the Evangelist Church for Easter.
April 21, 2003 - Council Busness Meeting - SJPH.
- Application for transfer into our council from Br. Michael Gilson, approved.
- The Nominating Committee (PGK Richard O'Connor, PGK David Satterfield, and PGK Bill Kinsella, Sr.) submitted their proposed slate of officers for the upcoming 2003-2004 Fraternal Year.
- - Grand Knight - Br. David Zakrzwski
- - Deputy Grand Knight - Br. Michael Czarnecki
- - Chancellor - Br. John Fox
- - Warden - Br. Bob Gabbey
- - Treasurere - PGK Dave Satterfield
- - Recorder - Br. Bob Ordonio
- - Advocate - Br. Patrick Curley, III
- - Inside Guard(s) - Br. Mathew Meadows, Br. Reddi Cerezo
- - Outside Guard - Br. Jim Concannon
- - Trustee, 3 yr - outgoing GK Jeol Tootill
- - Trustee, 2 yr - PGK Michael Harrison
- - Trustee, 1 yr - PGK Bill Kinsella, Sr.
April 26, 2003, Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site.
April 28, 2003, the Council's 91st anniversary.
MAY 2003
Council newsletter for May/June 2003.
Monday, May 5, 2003 - Council Social meeting.
- Seminarian Colin Poston's ordination is schduled for May 24th in Baltimore. We have supported Colin annually throughout his time as a seminarian through the KofC RSVP program.
- Weekly volunteers for SJPH Bingo needed.
- SHARE Food Co-op - A 7th Anniversary party is planned for May 31.
- Preakness Ushering Fundraiser - 22 people have signed up.
- Golf Outing is scheduled for June 26, sponsors still needed.
- Altar Servers Recognition program - We have prepared 195 certificates and finger rosaries to present to altar servers.
- Family of the month and Knight of the Month for February was awarded to the Jim Dowell family.
- Family of the month and Knight of the Month for April was awarded to the Richard O'Connor family.
- Election of Officers for the upcoming 2003-3004 Fraternal Year, results:
- - Grand Knight - Br. David Zakrzwski
- - Deputy Grand Knight - Br. Michael Czarnecki
- - Chancellor - Br. John Fox
- - Warden - Br. Bob Gabbey
- - Treasurere - PGK Dave Satterfield
- - Recorder - Br. Bob Ordonio
- - Advocate - Br. Patrick Curley, III
- - Inside Guard(s) - Br. Mathew Meadows, Br. Reddi Cerezo
- - Outside Guard(s) - Br. Jim Concannon and Br. Glen Huntington
- - Trustee, 3 yr - outgoing GK Joel Tootill
- - Trustee, 2 yr - PGK Michael Harrison
- - Trustee, 1 yr - PGK Bill Kinsella, Sr.
- Grand Knight Joel Tootill presented a check to representative for ARC of Frederick.
May 19, 2003 - Council Business Meeting - SJPH.
- The council rceeived a Certificate of Merit for the performance of our 1st Degree Team.
- We have volunteered to paint the kitchen and cafeteria at SJPH. Volunteers needed.
- Vacancy in new officers slate. Dave Mortenson was nominated as Warden, approved.
- Elected delegates to the MD State Convention:
- - Delegate - PGK Bill Kinsella.
- - 1st Alternate - Joel Tootill
- - 2nd Alternate - Mike Czarnecki.
May 31, 2003 SHARE Food Co-op Site. 7th year anniversary celebration.
JUNE 2003
June 2, 2003 - Council Social Meeting
- Volunteers are needed to assist in Fr. Leo's 40th Anniverary celebration on June 8.
- Knight of the month March, May, and June are Br. Eric Phillips, Br. Jim Concannon, and Br. Jim Dowell.
- Family of the month for March, May and June are Br. Dave Wilson, PGK Bill Kinsella, Sr., and Br. Tom Defibaugh.
- The 4th degree is hosting a Flag Day event on June 14, 7-m, at the Frederick Memorial Park. This is a family event open to all Knights. SK Eric Phillips will be the Master of Ceremonies.
June 16, 2003 - The Council held its “Second Annual Knights of Columbus Golf Outing to benefit Catholic Education in Frederick County" on Monday, June 16, 2003 at the Hollow Creek Country Club in Middletown, MD. Over sixty-four (64) golfers turned out, the weather was excellent (for a change, NO RAIN), and all present seemed to have a great time. The final tally is considerably more than last year. We want to thank those who played as well our numerous sponsors for their generosity. A BIG well done once again to John Fox and his team for pulling the event together and a particular thanks to the Hollow Creek staff for making this years outing go off without a hitch. ALL profits from the event will go to various Catholic Schools in Frederick County.
June 16, 2003 - Council Business Meeting
- Application for transfer into council from Br. John Martin, approved.
- We did not get sufficent member applications to re-institute a Squire Circle. We hope to have better success next year.
- Installation of Officers is planned for July 21 at St. John the Evangelist Church with dinner afterwards at Brewer's Alley Restaurant.
June 20, 2003, Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site. Party for 7th Anniversary as a SHARE site
June 22, 2003 - KNIGHTS PAINT SJPH CAFETERIA & DINING ROOMS - As a token of our appreciation to St. Johns at Prospect Hall for the free and very cooperative use of their facilities for our Lenten Fish Fries, several members put in considerable hours sanding, scrubbing and patching the ceilings and walls of the school's kitchen and main dining room. Actual painting officially began on Sunday June 22. The team was lead by Brothers Dave Satterfield, Mike Czarnecki, and Larry Lindner. Many thanks to those Brother Knights who turned out to assist in this effort.