St. Johns's (Bishop McNamara) Council History Page
Photos for the 2001-2002 Fraternal Year
Council Book of Reports submission for the 2001-2002 Fraternal Year.
JULY 2001
.In the 2001-2002 Fraternal Year, Bishop McNamara Council No. 1622 was in MD State District 3. District 3 also included St. Michael's of Poplar Springs Council #10525, Archbishop John Carroll Council #11715 in Brunswick, and St. Ignatius of Loyola Council #11815 in Ijamsville, and Our Lady of the Angels Council #13069 in CATONSVILLE, MD. Our District 3 Deputy was Br. Martin A. Luchansky of St. Michael's Council 10525 and District Warden was Br. Gary Armbruster.
Council newsletter for July/August 2001.
July 2, 2001 Council Social Meeting
- Upcoming picnic on July 14.
- Upcoming installation of officers on July 16.
July 3, 2001 - SK William "Bill" H. Brown, PGK (Cncl 1622), PFN (Assy 394), FDW, died today.
July 14, 2001 Council Picnic at Farmer's Woods, Petersville, MD.
July 16, 2001 - Installation of Officers conducted by District 4 Deputy Martin Luchansky and District 4 Warden Gary Armbruster at the American Legion, Francis Scott Key Post 11, Frederick, MD. Officers were installed by District 4 Deputy Martin Luchanski and District Warden William Cooney. MD State Council Secretary Richard Sherbert and his wife Barbara, and MD State Advocate Edgar Haynes and his wife Lisa were present. Note that Edgar Haynes is a Past Grand Knight of our Council. We were especially pleased that Fr Wayne Funk, Fr Murilo and Fr. Leo Tittler were able to be our guests. A follow-on dinner was held at the American Legion.
Officers installed were :
Chaplain - Rev Robert Jaskot
Associate Chaplain - Rev. Keith Boivert
Grand Knight - SK Michael Harrison
Deputy Grand Knight - Br. Joel Tootill
Chancellor - Michael E. Czarnecki
Financial Secretary - SK D. James Dowell
Treasurer - SK David M. Shumway
Warden - Br. David Zakrzwski
Recorder - Br. John Fox
Lecturer - Br. Eric Phillips
Advocate - Br. David Mortenson
Inside Guard - SK Matthew P. Meadows
Outside Guard - Br. Patrick Curley
Trustee, 3 yr - SK William J Kinsella, Sr., PGK
Trustee, 2 yr - SK Richard O'Connor, PGK, PFN
Trustee, 1 yr - SK David B. Satterfield, PGK
July 28, Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site.
August 6, 2001 Council Social Meeting -SJPH 7:30 PM
- Grand Knight's Report:
- - Car raffle - tickets have been sent out to members.
- - Sending letter to family of deceased Br. Bill Brown.
- - SJPH has invited Bingo volunteers to attend their crab feast fundraiser at no cost to express their appreciation.
- Motion to approved proposed budget, approved.
- Our council's semi-annual financial audit was completed successfully.
August 20, 2001 - Council Business Meeting
- Application for membership approved for four candidates, James Grove, IV, John Wilt, Collin N. Kenedy, and Neil Dundee.
- Grand Knight's Report:
- - Family of the month for June was awarded to the Bill Kinsella family.
- - Received several letters for organizations requesting financial support.
- Car raffle committee (Br. Dave Mortenson) reports that ticket sales have been conducted after Masses.
> August 25, 2001 SHARE D-Day
Council newsletter for September/October 2001.
Tuesday, September 4, 2001 - Council Social Meeting - SJPH 7:30pm
- Application for transfer into council for Br. Joseph Romonlsli.
- The council conferred the 1st Degree on Br. John "Bill" Wilt.
- Car raffle update - discussed dates after Masses and at our booth at the Great Frederick Fair.
- Annual KofC Memorial Mass will be held in November.
- PGK Bill Kinsella is looking for volunteers to help with the Leukemia Walk in Frederick.
Septmber 17, 2001 - Council Business Meeting at SJPH
- Application for membership for Ritchie Clark, Jr., approved.
- Current progress with car raffle was discussed.
- Two requests for finanical assistance were discussed.
- A 2nd Degree Exemplification will be conducted tomorrow in the SJPH gym.
- Motion to conduct a golf outing fundraiser on Friday, April 5, 2002, approved.
- Motion to buy a US Flag for the empty flag pole at St. John's Regional School, approved.
September 22, 2001 - SHARE - D-Day
October 1, 2001 Council Social Meeting.
- Application for membership for Joseph M. Scherer, approved.
- Annual Memorial Mass is planned for St. Joseph on Carrollton Manor Church on November 9.
- Car raffle is wrapping up.
- Tootsie Roll Drive for the Mentally Handicapped is kicking off. Coordinator: Br. Patrick Curly. Locations include the Rt 40 Giant, St. John's Church and possibly FCC.
- Support for Leukemia Walk was very strong. Thank you to Br. Paul Kraus, Br. Bill Wilt, Br. Matt Meadows, and PGK Bill Kinsella, Sr.
- District Deputy reports that presentation of a KofC Maryland State Council award will be made at the council meeting in the SJPH Library on Monday, November 19, 2001.
- Br. Al Marinelli will no longer be able to be Pro-life chairman. A replacement will be needed.
- PGK Richard O'Connor, Charity Committee Chairman, moved to donate charity funds to the Pregnancy Center in Taneytown and a scholarship for children of lost EMS workers in New York, approved.
October 15, 2001 - Council Business Meeting.
- Application for membership for Jeffrey T. Balistere, approved. Jeff's wife's name is Margaret.
- Grand Knight's Report:
- - A letter was received from the MD State Council identifying that our Council has received a recuriting award.
- - Next MD State convention will be on May 17-19, 2002.
- - Oct 27 will be the Maryland 3rd District grand knights and membership meeting.
- - Official District Deputy's visits will be on November 12 or 13 meeting.
- - The Seton Chapter of Grand Knights is hosting a dinner theatre outing on Dec 24.
- Membership - PGK Bill Kinsella, Sr. reports that a membership drive will be held at St. John the Evangelist Church on weekend of October 20-21. A Tootsie Roll drive collection will also be held.
- Church - Memorioal Mass will be held on Nov 9 at St. Joseph on Carrollton Manor Church.
- - Br. Mike Czarnecki will coordinate our Altar Server recognition program.
- Community - PGK Dick O'Connor reported that our two KofC scholarships will be award to the recipients this Friday at a school function.
- - Letters of thanks will be prepared for stores where we collected for our Tootsie Roll campaign.
- Family - Br. Dave Zakrzwski stated that November 19 meeting has been cancelled and is superceded by a social dinner with wives.
- Council activities - Mike Czarnecki:
- - Joel Tootill reports that over 4490 tickets were sold for the car raffle.
- - A Preakness chairman will be needed for the May 18, 2002 preakness ushering fundraiser.
- - A 1st and 2nd degree are scheduled for Nov 5 and 6. A 3rd degree is scheduled for Nov 30.
Oct 26, 2001, Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site.
Council newsletter for November/December 2001.
November 5, 2001 - Council Social Meeting -
- Application for transfer for Rev Leo Tittler, approved.
- Grand Knight's Report"
- - We received a thank you letter from Mission of Mercy for our financial support.
- - Council Christmas party will be hosted at the home of PGK Dave and Cindy Satterfield.
- - Next council meeting will be cancelled due to planned social dinner with wives on the same night.
- - A 2nd Degree will be held tomorrow.
- - A 3rd degree will be held on Nov 30.
- - Memmorial Mass will be held on Nov 9, followed by a pot luck dinner.
- - Annual St. John;s Home Corporation meeting will be held on Dec 3 after the council meeting.
- Family - "Keep Christ in Christmas" poster must be turned in by Dec 2.
- Charity committee: We have received thank you letters from St. John's Regional Catholic School, the Carroll County Pregnancy Center, the St. Vincent DePaul Society, and the Community Foundation of Frederick County.
- KofC Insurance representative noted that the KofC has a new long term care policy available.
Nov 9, 2001 - Cncl Annual Memorial Mass, St. Joseph's Church, Buckeystown.
Council/Assembly Memorial Mass Program Booklet for Nov 2001. A commemorative service was held before Mass for the following recently deceased Knights: Br. Lawrence Growden, Br. James F. Filby, Sr., and Sir Knight William H. Brown (Past Grand Knight (1622), Past Faithful Navigator (Assy 384), Former District Warden).
November 19 meeting has been cancelled and is superceded by a social dinner with wives.
November 23, 2001 - 4th Saturday SHARE D-Day
December 3, 2001 - Council Social Meeting.
- Tootsie Roll committee reported that $2400 had been collected for the mentally handicapped.
- Youth - Basketball freethrow is scheduled for Jan 13 at SJPH.
- Youth - Keep Christ in Christmas contest. Received 446 posters from St. John's Regional School, 97 posters from the Visitation Academy, and 6 posters from St. Thomas More School. Certificates have been prepared for all winners and the category winners have been forwarded for the MD state competition.
- Volunteers needed for SJPH Bingo.
December 16, 2001 - Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site.
December 17, 2001 - Council Christmas party.
December 17, 2001 - Council Business Meeting - no record available, was probably cancelled due to Christmas party.
Dec 22, 2001 - CHRISTMAS CHURCH DECORATION - Knights of St. Johns Round Table and their families helped other St. John's parishioners decorate St. John's Church on Dec 22.
Council newsletter for January/February 2002.
Tuesday, January 7, 2002 Council Social Meeting
- Application for transfer into council for Br. Edward Blinkenstaff, Br. Edward A. Johnson, and Br. Charles Kilgore, approved.
- The annual March for Life in Washington DC will be on Jan 22.
- Charity committee: Thank you letters received from the Central Maryland Catholic Charities, the Community Foundation of Frederick County and Birthright of Frederick. A check has been prepared for the Leukemia Foundation.
- Tootsie Roll campaign - the required form to MD State Council will be completed by Br. Eric Phillips.
- Upcoming Lenten fish fry - staff planning meeting will be held this coming Saturday.
- New gutters are needed on the storage shed we had installed near the SJPH gym. (Note: The shed has two compartments, one for the Knights and one used by the SJPH sports program.)
- Motion to authorize total of $200 for savings bond awards for a Youth Essay Contest, approved.
- Mrs. Dorothy Craw, widow of deceased Br. Alexander Robert Craw, passed away on Jan 4, 2002.
January 22, 2002 - March for Life - Washington DC.
January 22, 2002 - Council Business Meeting - SJPH
- No quorum present.
Jan 26, Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site.
February 4, 2002 - Council Social Meeting - SJPH 7:30pm.
- Application for membership for Bob Gabby, Robert Ordonio, and Rev. Rafael Murillo, approved.
February 15, 2002, 5-8pm - first of six Lenten Fish Fries held in the basement cafeteria of St. John's Literary Institue at Prospect Hall.
Monday, February 19, 2002 - Council Business Meeting - SJPH 7:30pm.
- Application for membership for Kenneth Poindexter, approved.
- Preakness ushering fundraiser on May 19, needs volunteers.
- Golf Outing fundraiser on Apr 12. Need volunteers and sponsors. Sign-up deadline April 5.
- A St. John's Home Corporation meeting will be held immediately after this meeting.
- Nominating committee for officers for upcoming 2002-2003 Fraternal Year has been designated at PGK Bill Kinsella, Sr., PGK Richard O'Connor, and Pat Sullivan (chairman).
- Motion to move next month's business meeting to the 3rd Monday, approved.
- The next meeting, first meeting in March, will include wives.
- Elections held for MD State convention delegates, PGK Bill Kinsella as delgate, Joel Tootil as first alternate, approved.
- Bishop McNamara 4th Degree Assembly's "Old Timer's Dinner" will be held on Apr 3 at the Cozy Restaurant in Thurmont, cost $15/person, check due by March 15.
Feb 23, Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site
MARCH 2002
Council newsletter for March/April 2002.
March 4, 2002 - Council Social Meeting - SJPH, 7:30pm, wives invited. Meeting superceded by a KofC LONG TERM CARE SEMINAR - Presenters: KofC insurance representatives Norman (Chuck) Teal and Robert Marlowe.
March 18, 2002 - Council Business Meeting.
- Motion to buy a 1/4 page advertizement in the MD State Council convention porgram, approved.
- Our last Lenten fish fry for this season is this coming Friday.
- Golf outing, still looking for more players, volunteers and sponsors.
- Volunteers are needed for Holy Saturday decoration of St. John the Evangelist Church.
- Recruitment drive is scheduled for Apr 20-21 for St. John the Evangelist Church.
- 1st Degree is scheduled for April 1.
- Motion to donate $100 to the Franciscan Center, approved.
- Motion for $200 for Warden to purchase council equioment, approved.
March 23, 2002, Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site in Frederick.
APRIL 2002
Council Book of Reports for April 2001 to April 2002.
April 1, 2002 - Council Social Meeting - SJPH
- Two transfer applications (no details provided).
April 3, 2002 - Old Timer’s Dinner - Cozy Restaurant - Thurmont, MD.
April 15, 2001 - Council Busness Meeting - SJPH. - no record available
April 20, Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site.
MAY 2002
Council newsletter for May/June 2002.
Monday, May 6, 2002 - Council Social meeting.
- Application for membership for Patrick B. Bills and Roland W. Roby, approved.
- Easter decorations taken down at St. john the Evangelist Church.
- Golf outing ps planned for Sept 9 at hollow Creak Golf Course.
- Youth Essay - We have received essays from St. John's Regional School and are awaiting essays from SJPH. Volunteers are requested to read and evaluate essays.
- Motion to spend up to $200 for advertisement in Frederick Post to support our priests, approved.
- Motion to provide monetry gift to Fr. Rob Jaskot as he is leaving St. John's parish, approved.
- Motion to sponsor cost of the priests of St. John the Evangelist Church to attend the Priest Appreciation Night in Urbana on June 2, approved.
May 20, 2002 - Council Business Meeting - SJPH.
ELECTION of Bishop McNamara Cncl 1622 Officers - Our annual election of officers was conducted May 20 with the results below. These men will serve for the 2002-2003 Fraternal Year (July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003).
Grand Knight - Joel Tootill
Deputy Grand Knight - David Zakrzwski
Chancellor - Mike Czarnecki
Warden - David Mortenson
Recorder - John Fox
Treasurer - Michael Harrison
Advocate - John Patrick Curley
Inside Guard - Matthew Meadows
Outside Guard - Robert Ordonio
Trustee 3 Years- Patrick Sullivan Sr.
Trustee 2 years - Bill Kinsella Sr. (continuation)
Trustee 1 year - Richard O'Connor (continuation)
Delegate to State Convention - Michael Harrison
1st Alternate to Convention - David Zakrzwski
2nd Alternate to Convention - Michael Czarnecki
Note - Jim Dowell continues his appointment by the Supreme Council as Financial Secretary.
Father Leo Tittler has been appointed as Chaplain again.
- Letter of thanks from Seminarian Collin Posten for support.
- Thank you letter from students at SJPH for scholarships and graduation awards.
- Council-funded advertisement for support of our priests was on page A3 of the Frederick Post.
- Priest appreciation dinner has been rescheduled to June 14 at the Province Restaurant.
- Council family picnic tentative date is September 7, 2002.
- Motion to purchase additional bingo team t-shirts.
- Council's Installation of Officers ceremony is scheduled for July 15 in St. John the Evangelist Church with dionner at the Province Restaurant.
May 18, 2002 SHARE Food Co-op Site.
JUNE 2001
June 3, 2002 - Council Social Meeting
- Essay contest has been completed. Essay subject was "The Responsibility of the Catholic Citizen in a Free Society". Twenty-three essays were received. Judges of the essay contest were Denise Jackson, Michael Harrison, David Shumway and Richard O'Connor. Winner's name is redacted.
- Installation of officers will be on July 15.
Annual KofC FLAG DAY CEREMONY was held JUNE 14 at the "Memorial Park" (by the old Armory) in downtown Frederick for ALL Knights, family members and friends. It received a write up with color photo on the front page of the Frederick Post
June 17, 2002 - Council Business Meeting
- Volunteers needed next Sunday, June 23, for going away party for Fr. Rob Jaskot. Coordinator: Br. Joe Swiss.
- Still need volunteers to help with weekly SJPH Bingo.
- David Mortenson will take over as Family Programs chairman.
- A New Youth Program chairman is needed.
June 22, 2002, Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site.