St. Johns's (Bishop McNamara) Council History Page
Photos for the 1998-1999 Fraternal Year
Council Book of Reports submission for the 1998/1999 Fraternal Year.
JULY 1998
Due to the high number of Council's in our area, Bishop McNamara Council has been moved into the newly formed MD State District 4. The new district also includes Our Lady of Fatima #6901 in Barnesville, St. Michael's of Poplar Springs #10525, St. Paul's Council #11105 in Damascus, and Archbishop John Carroll #11715 in Brunswick. Our new District Deputy is Br. Martin Luchansky of St. Michael's Council.
Brother Sir Knight, the Reverend Father Paul Iaia, retired from St. Johns Church after 42 years as a priest. This included service as pastor of St. Joseph on Carrolton Manor Church in Buckeystown. Our Council presented Fr. Paul with a Council Resolution and a cash gift in recognition of his 41 years as a Knight of Columbus, his years of support for our Council, his service as a Former Worthy Chaplain of our Council and Former Faithful Friar of Bishop McNamara 4th Degree Assembly. Fr. Paul has moved to the beach in Millville, Delaware but will be maintained in a respected position in our Council history.
Council newsletter for July/August 1998.
July 1, 1998 Council Social Meeting -SJPH 7:30 PM
July 1, 1998 Council Social Meeting -SJPH - 7:30 PM
July 6, 1998 Home Corporation Meeting - 7 PM
July 7, 1998 Council Social Meeting - SJPH 7:30 PM
- Certificates of Merit presented to Incoming Grand Knight Al Harris, Br. Bill Kinsella, and Br. Mike Smith.
- Meeting night 50/50 raffle won by Br. Bernie Litchfield Sr.n
July 11, 1998 Council Picnic w/ Bishop McNamara Assembly, 12Noon
- Awarded beautiful hand-stitched quilt which was raffled off between May and July.
July 20, 1998 Installation of Officers - at St. John the Evangelis Church, w/Dinner at the Golden Corral Restaurant 7pm
On July 20, 1998, the officers of Bishop McNamara Council were installed after Mass celebrated by Chaplain Father Marvin Archuleta at St. John the Evangelist Church. The installation was exemplified by District 4 Deputy Martin Luchanski and District Warden William Cooney. A dinner followed. State Deputy Philip Asplen, Jr. and his wife Teresa were among the dignitaries.
The officers were Rev. Marvin Archuleta - Chaplain, E. Allen Harris - GK, William Kinsella – DGK, Neil Durso - Chancellor, Michael Czarnecki - Warden, Thomas Defibaugh - Advocate, William Schenkel - Financial Secretary, David Shumway - Treasurer, David Wilson - Recorder, Paul Zambito - Inside Guard, Michael Smith and Matthew Meadows - Outside Guards, Ernie Musser Sr. - Delegate, George Williams, Joseph Brashears and David Satterfield - Trustee. Office changes during the year included Philip (Pete) Sterner - Inside Guard and Peter Cody - Second Outside Guard.
Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site.
> August 3, 1998 Council Social Meeting -SJPH 7:30 PM
- Presented Certificate of Appreciation to Rev. Marvin Archuletta for serving as our council Chaplain.
- Presented Supreme Council certificate and past grand knight jewel to PGK Dave Satterfield for his leadership of the council for the two fraternal years, 1996-1997 and 1997-1998.
- Financial Secretary repoted the the semo-annual financial audit was competed, signed and mailed.
- Br. Julius Pelligrino will cnduct annual Keep Christ in Christmas poster contest.
- Br. Fred Fleitz will serve as Pro-life chairman and will be providing information on pro-life political candidates in upcoming elections.
- Br. Larry Mattivi will be coordinating upcoming car raffle efforts.
- Please sign up fot tootsie roll collection dates and locations
- A few tickets remain for upcoming Knights at the Keys. Contact PGK Dave Satterfield.
August 7, 1998 Knights at the Keys - Grove Stadium
Coordinators: SK Bernie Litchfield Sr and Ann Litchfield (wife of Br. Bernie Litchfield Sr). To benefit Council and KofC scholarship fund at St. John's Literary Institute at Prospect Hall. Tickets sold, 97 Adults and 35 Youth.
August 17, 1998 - SJPH
- Council - Business Meeting
-- Car raffle schedule:
--- FSK Mall: Sep 11, 12, 13, Oct 3&4,
--- St. John's Sep 19&20
--- Frederick Fair: Sep 18-20
--- St. Joseph's Sep 26&27
-- Tootsie Roll drive will be in October.
-- Pancake breakfast and memorial Mass discussed.
-- Br. William Loftus died.
- First Degree
- Home Corporation Meeting
> August 29, 1998 SHARE D-Day
September 2, 1998 - Council Social Meeting - SJPH 8pm
- Volunteeers needed to set up for St. John's ministry fair on Sep 26-27.
- Family of the Month for September was family of Br. Lary Mattivi.
- Youth Christmas poster contest coming up.
September 6, 1998 - Pancake Breakfast - SJPH 8am-NOON
Septmber 13, 1998 - MD State Council Picnic
Septmber 21, 1998 - SJPH
- Council Business Meeting
-- Community director - progress in recruiting SJPH student to volunteeer. SHARE distribution coming up.
-- Keep Christ in Christmas poster contest award cash prize value discussed. Coordinators: Br. Julius Pellegrino and PGK Dave Satterfield.
-- Car raffle thanks to helped at the Frederick Fair. Volunteeers need for after St. Joe's Masses.
- Home Corporation Meeting
Septmber 26, 1998 - SHARE - D-Day
October 4, 1998 Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser - SJPH 8am-NOON
October 5, 1998 Council Social Meeting - SJPH 8 pm
- First degree was conferred on three new members, Bernard Gulli, Michael Heato, and Charles Aaron.
- Membership director - working on three new candidates.
- Church programs - Memorial Mass will be at Prospect Hall on November 2.
- Recruiting drive help requested on Oct 24 & 25 at St. Josheph's Church.
- Fundiong approved for upcoming pancake breakfast.
- Upcoming Tootsie Roll collection site schedule:
-- At Ames Store: Sep 10, Sep 30/31.
-- At Spirit Shop, Sep 16-17.
- October Family of the Month is Br. Dave Shumway and family.
- Bishop McNamara 4th Degree Assembly Installation of Officers will be on Oct 18.
MD State Council October 10, 1998 - Maryland State Council Columbus Day Ball - Fountainbleu Hotel, Ocean City, MD.
October 11, 1998
- Columbus Day Parade -- Baltimore
- Home Corporation Meeting - SJPH
-- Nominating committee of PGK Dave Satterfield and Sean O'Neil will be contacting members to consider sitting onHome Corporation. Elections will be held on Dec 21. Existing Baord members will be attending a MD Satate meeting regarding Home Corporations on Nov 7.
- Council Business Meeting
-- Recruitment - Recruiting drive planned on Oct 24/25 at St. John the Evangelist Church. Tootsie Roll drive will also be conducted, help needed.
-- Memorial Mass will be conducted on 2 Nove, 7pm. Potluck dinner to follow.
-- SHARE disbusement scheduled for Saturday, Oct 24. PGK Bill Brown needs helpt to pick up SHARE supplies.
-- Car raffle results: 3453 tickets sold.
-- First pancake breafast for this season was held on Oct 18.
-- Family of the month for October is the Family of PGK Dave Satterfield. Br. Larry Mattivi received a Holy Family statuette from the Supreme Council for his recent selection as Family of the Month.
-- Forth Degree - PGK SK Tom Defibaugh discussed upcoming 4th Degree Exemplification on Feb 27, 1988.
Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site.
November 1, 1998 -Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser - SJPH -8am-NOON
Nov 2, 1998 Council and Assembly Joint Memorial Mass conducted in the gym at St. John's Literary Institute at Prospect Hall (SJPH) 7:30 pm
The Mass was preceded by a commemorative service for the following recently deceased Knights: Br. William Micheal Loftus (died 8 Aug 1998) and Br. Howard Micheal "Pat" Murphy (died 26 Oct 1998).
Council/Assembly Memorial Mass Program Booklet for Nov 1998.
A pot-luck and sponsored dinner followed which included courses donated by various restaurants and businesses. This dinner and donations were coordinated by Br. Dave Wilson. Dinner Sponsors included:
Gladchuck Brothers Restaurant, 489 West Patrick Street
The Province Restaurant, 131 North Market Street
Southern Candy Makers, New Orleans, LA
Tauraso's Restaurant, 6 East Street
Watson's Restaurant, 467 West Patrick Street
November 4, 1998 - Council Social Meeting - SJPH
Novmber 16, 1998
- Home Corporation Meeting - SJPH
- Council Business Meeting
--Approved transfer application for John J. Ireman, transferring from Cncl 532, Davenport, IA. Sponsor GK Allen Harris.
-- Approved applications for membership for Timothy M. Smith, (sponsor PGK William Brown), Thomas P. Evich (sponsor William Kinsella), and James Paul Fry (sponsor William Kinsella).
-- Discussed concept of serving Lenten meals, but defferred for a year due to lack of support from St. John's Church and lack of leadership team.
-- Funds raised selling Joe Corbi pizzas.
-- Christmas decoration of St. John's scheduled for Dec 20 for tree setup and Dec 23-34 for remainder.
-- Judges needed for upcoming Keep Christ in Christmas poster contest.
--Family of the Month for November is PGK Bill Brown.
-- Youth Basketball Freethrow Competition is scheduled for Jan 17, 1999. Volunteers needed.
-- New music man for degree team: Br. Dave Wilson.
-- Elimination of safe deposit box at bank approved since we now have a safe.
November 21, 1998 - SHARE D-Day
December 6, 1998 - Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser - SJPH 8am-NOON
December 7, 1998 - Council Social Meeting - 7:30 PM
-- Council Christmas party is planned for unday Dec 13, at 2pm. It will be a pot luck event. Bring an unwrapped pro-life bady gift or supplies.
-- Membership:
--- Approved transfer into council of Br. Richard E. Fairley.
--- Approved appications for membership for Peter J. Cody, Philip D. Sterner, and Paul Vetter.
- First Degree 7:30 PM
The First Degree was conferred on Thomas P. Evich and Philip D. Sterner. Degree was conferred in honor of PGK Ernest Musser, Sr. Next First Degree is planned for Jan 4, 1999.
December 19, 1998 - Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site.
The Knights of Columbus is again sponsoring the annual "Keep Christ In Christmas" Poster Contest to help our children, Grades 1 - 8, focus on the most important reason for the Christmas Celebration. Bishop McNamara Council #1622 is coordinating the local competition among St. Johns Regional Catholic School, the Visitation Academy, St. Joseph's Religious Education, St. Peter's Religious Education. St. John's Religious Education, St John's Youth Ministry. Local Council winners at each grade level will be awarded $10.00 and a certificate. Council category winners can advance to the MD State level competition.
Council Poster Contest Committee comprising:
Thomas Defibaugh, Past Grand Knight
Allen Harris, Grand Knight
Bernard Litchfield, Jr.
Julius Pellegrino, poster contest chairman
Dave Satterfield, Past Grand Knight
December 21, 1998
- Home Corporation Meeting - SJPH
-- Annual elections were held by all attending St. John's Home Corporation members (e.g., members of Council 1622), with Br. Michael Czarnecki, PGK Richard O'Connor, and Br. Larry Mattivi elected for 3-year board positions, and Br. Bernie Litchfield, Sr. and Br. Charles Aaron elected for 1-year board positions.
-- Next board meeting will included election of board officers.
- Council Business Meeting
-- A certificate was presented to Br. William D. Schenkel, our current Financial Secretary, as the First Degree Honoree for the degree conducted on December 1, 1998.
-- Decoration of St. John the Evangelist Church was comp;leted, with tree setup on Dec 20, and remaining decorations on Dec 23, and 24. Tree setup participants were Br. Reddi Cerezo, Br. Mike Czarnecki, Br. Larry Lindner (St. John's Round Table Chairman), Br. Matthew Meadows, PGK Richard O'Connor, Br. Pete Sterner, Br. Mike Bowersox (Cncl 11715), and Br. John Keepers (Cncl 11703).
-- SHARE food co-op in December distrributed 87 shares including 5 shares donated by GS Communications which were distributed in conjuction with the St. Vincent DePaul Society. A certificate of approciation is being sent to GS Communications.
-- Car Raffle chaiman Br. Larry Mattivi is sending a letter of appreciation to Jenkins Motors for providing free use of a car to support our annual car raffle.
-- Br. Paul R. Zambito will be transferring out of the council due his military orders to the Naval War College, Newport, RI. A special election will be held during the next council business meeting to replace Paul as Inside Guard.
-- Upcoming events
--- Pancake Breakfast fundraiser at SJPH on Jan 10, 1999.
--- Youth Freethrow Competition at SJPH on Jan 17, 1999.
--- Co-sponsor ARC blood drive w/ Catholic Daughters at St. John Regional School on Jan 18, 1999.
--- Support March for Life in DC on January 22, 1999.
January 3, 1999 Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser - SJPH 8am-NOON
January 17, 1999, Noon-4pm, Bishop McNamara Council sponsors their annual BASKETBALL FREE THROW CHAMPIONSHIP for all boys and girls, ages 10-14. Location: Gymnasium at St. John's Literary Institute at Prospect Hall 889 Butterfly Lane, Frederick, MD. First place winners in each age/sex group beceives a plaque and winners certificate and the opportunity to compete at the Maryland State level.
January 4, 1999 Council Social Meeting - SJPH, 7:30 PM
- First Degree 7:30pm
-- The first degree was conferred on Br. Peter J. Cody and Br. James Paul Frye.
January 18, 1999 was Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so council meeting and Home Corp board meeting were rescheduled to Jan 19.
- Home Corporation Board Meeting - SJPH. Home Corporation Board members elected board officers, President Br. William Kinsella, Vice Peesident Br. Sean O'Neil, Treasurer Br. Gene McCarthy, Secretary PGK Richard O'Connor. Two meetings were schduled for the finance and building committees.
- Council Business Meeting - SJPH
--The following members received their 2nd Degree on 7 Jan 1999; Br. Paul Frye, Br. Bernie Lichfield, Jr., Br. Charles Aaron, and Br. Larry Mattivi.
-- Br. Richard Coale Sappington, Sr., died on 4 January 1999, age 82.
January 22, 1999 - March for Life - Washington DC
Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site.
February 1, 1999 - Council Social Meeting - SJPH 7:30pm.
- Readmission of Br. Michael Fulton approved.
- Family of the Month for February is Br. Bernie Litchfield, Sr.
- Degree Honoree for 2nd Degree held on January 7 is Br. Bernie Litchfield, Sr.
February 15, 1999 - Council Business Meeting - SJPH 7:30pm.
- $2600 Check presented to ARC of Frederick County as proceeds for previous Tottsie Roll Drive
Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site on Frederick and at St. Joseph's in Buckeystown.
MARCH 1999
March 1, 1999 Council Social Meeting - SJPH, 7:30pm
- Transfer into council approved for Br. W. J. Adams, Jr.
- Family of the month for MArch is Br. Fred Flietz.
- In Frbruary 1999, the council began to provide two Knights to support the weekly SJPH Bingo game, coordinator Br. Dave Satterfield. This support continued for several years.
March 15, 1999 - Council Business Meeting at SJPH
- Membership application for Col Jonathan Kissane approved.
- Elections held for two vacant offices. Br. Peter Cody elected as Outside Guard. Br. Pete Sterner elected as Inside Guard.
- Monthly pancake breakfast and meeting night 50/50 raffle fundraisers continue.
- Br. Peter Cody and Br. Rich Fairly received their 3rd Degree at an exemplification in College Park on March 12.
- Future events:
-- State Freethrow competition is this weekend. Council winners are expected to attend.
-- Mar 27 - Monthly SHARE site distribution.
-- Apr 3 - Easter decoration of St. John the Evangelist Church.
-- Apr 4, Pancake breakfast fundraiser at SJPH.
-- Apr 19, Council will receive STAR COUNCIL Award for the 1988-1999 Freaternal Year.
-- 1st Meeting in May will be a Family Social. Location TBD.
-- May 15, Preakness Ushering fundraiser in Baltimore. We earn about $50 per volunteer after cost of home-bound meal.
-- Home Corporation meetings scheduled for Mar 24 and Apr 14 to discuss finances and stretegic direction.
Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site in Frederick.
APRIL 1999
Council Book of Reports for April 1998 to April 1999.
April 5, 1999 - Council Social Meeting - SJPH
- Approved transfer of Br. Mike Bowersox from Arch Bishop John Carroll Council 11715, Brunswick, MD.
- Nominating committee chairman Br. William J. Kinsella, provided the proposed slate of officers for the upcoming 1999-2000 Fraternal year.
- Member of the St. John's Round Table assisted in decorating St. John the Evangelist Church for Easter. Participants included: Br. Mike Bowersox, Br. Pete Cody, Br. Bill Kinsella, Br. Larry Lindner, Br. Matt MEadoes, PGK Dick O'Conner, Br. Jullius Pelligrino, and PGK Dave Satterfield.
- Br. Bill Kinsella submitted a Motion of Intent for the proposed budget for the upcoming 199-2000 Fraternal Year.
April 7, 1999 - Old Timer’s Dinner - Cozy Restaurant - Thurmont, MD at 7 pm
April 10, 1999 - Fourth Degree Exemplification - Ocean City, MD
April 19, 1999 - Council Busness Meeting - SJPH.
- Discussions held on proposed slate of officers.
- Insurance agent John Burke is in attendance.
- Presentation of Star Council for the previous 1997-1998 Fraturnal Year was made by Past State Deputy John Albright to PGK David Satterfield.
- Family of the Month for May awarded to Br. Paul Macik.
- Guest speaker: Br. Masrcellus LaFluer, Vice President of the Bishop McNamara Chapter of Grand Knights. He reported on the status of the Chapter, which this Council is a member of.
- Five motions were approveda two motions tabled to revise the proposed budget for the upcoming 1999-2000 Fraternal Year.
Upcoming events:
- May 2, Next pancake breakfast fundraiser.
- First meeting in May, Family Night, coordinator PGK Ernest Musser, Sr.
April 23, 1999 Cardinal’s Charity Ball - Kennedy Inst.
Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site.
MAY 1999
Council newsletter for May/June 1998.
May 3, 1999 - Council Family Social Night, No meeting.
May 17, 1999 - Council Business Meeting - SJPH.
- Membership Director PGK Bill Brown reported he has five new applications.
- Transfer applications into our council were approved for Br. Shawn Gallehger and Br. William Haucks.
- Church Program Director PGK Dave Satterfield - St. John's Regional Catholi School has requested help with the Basket Bingo.
- Motion approved to procure new ceremonial officers jewels for chair officers (Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight, Chancellor, and Warden).
- Grand Knight reported on attending the MD State Council Annual Convention. Br. Bernie Litchfield Jr. attended as a delegate.
- Scholarship Committee appointed: PGK Richard O'Connor, PGK David Satterfield, Br. George Thomas, Br. Richard Fairley, and incoming GK William Kinsella.
- Election of new officers for the upcoming 1999-2000 Fraternal Year was conducted as follows:
-- Grand Knight - William Kinsella, Sr.
-- Deputy Grand Knight - Neil Durso
-- Chancellor - Charles Aaron
-- Recorder - William J. Adams
-- Treasurer - David Shumway
-- Advocate - Richard Fairley
-- Wsrden - Michael Czarnecki
-- Inside Guard - Philip D. Sterner
-- 1st Outside Guard - Peter D. Cody
-- 2nd Outside Guard - Matthew Meadows
-- Trustee 3-yr - PGK Allen Harris
-- Trustee 2-yr - PGK David Satterfield
-- Trustee 1-yr - PGK George Williams
-- First Convention Delegate - GK William Kinsella
-- 2nd Convention Delegate - Neil Durso
-- 1st Alternate Delegate - Charles Aaron
-- 2nd Alternate Delegate - David Shumway
Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site.
JUNE 1999
June 7, 1999 - Council Social Meeting - No record available.
June 21, 1999 - Council Business Meeting
- Certificates of Appreciation presented by outgoing Grand Knight E. Allen Harris to Rev. Marvin Archuleta, Br. Dave Wilson, Br. Pete Sterner, Br. Bill Shenkel, PGK Dave Satterfield, Br. Larri Mattivi, PGK Ernest Musser, Sr., Br. Matt Meadows, Br. Neil Durso, Br. Tom Defibaugh, Br. Mike Czarnecki, PGK William Brown, PGK Joe Brashears, and Br. Bill Kinsella.
- PGK William Brown reports there are three men who need to take their 1st Degree.
Fourth Saturday SHARE Food Co-op Site.