Knights of Columbus

Bishop McNamara 4th Degree Assembly #384

Frederick County, Maryland

Established January 16, 1916

List of Assembly officers for Columbian Year 1918-1919

Faithful Navigator - SK Joseph F. Eisenhauer

FC (Faithful Comptroller?) - SK John McElroy Wilson

FA (Faithful Admiral?) - SK J. Kzarry (Harry F. ?) Burkhart

FC (Faithful Captain?) - SK Thomas J. Walsh

FS (Faithful Scribe?) - SK Robert Day

FP (Faithful Pilot?) - SK Harry G. Dorsey

Faithful Inside Sentinel - SK Joseph L. Houff

Faithful Outside Sentinel - SK Robert M. Staley

Abbreviation key:
SK - Sir Knight (4th degree member)
PGK - Past Grand Knight
PFN - Past Faithful Navigator
PCP - Past Chapter President (Chapter of Grand Knights)
FDW - Former District Warden
FDD - Former District Deputy


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