These officers were elected at a meeting held at the council home on Monday, June 1, 1959. They were installed on Labor Day, Monday, September 7, 1959 at their regular meeting in their council home by Past District Deputy Alton J. Lipps. The keynote speakers were Council Chaplain Rev. Herbert R. Jordan and MD State Deputy Leo G. Koeple.
Chaplain - Rev. Herbert R. Jordan
Grand Knight - GK Francis W. Bush, Sr.
Deputy Grand Knight - Br. W. Irving Jones, Jr.
Chancellor - Br. Richard O'Connor
Warden - Br. Leo J. Martin
Financial Secretary - Br.
Recorder - Br. Clarence Smith
Treasurer - PGK Alton J. Lipps
Advocate - Br. Vernon Forney
Lecturer -
Inside Guard - Br. Albert Rossi
Outside Guard - Br. Stanley Sundergill
Trustees - Br. Maynard Wastler, Br. Hugh Simms and PGK Theodore V. Levinson
Updated January 29, 2022