These officers were were elected on Monday, July 7, 1930, at a regular business meeting. This may be the point at which KofC fraternal years where changed to run from July to June.
Chaplain - Rev.
Grand Knight - GK John McElroy Wilson
Deputy Grand Knight - Br. Harry G. Dorsey
Chancellor - Br. Ralph F. Lipps
Warden - Br. Paul A. Kennedy
Financial Secretary - Br. Francis P. Little
Recorder - Br. Francis L. Kennedy
Treasurer - Br. Robert Staley
Advocate - Br. Rudolf E. Crouse
Lecturer - Br. Frank M. Payne
Inside Guard - Br. George Rothenhoefer
Outside Guard - Br. Frank Crum
Trustee - Br. Charles B. Staley
Trustee - Br. George C. Crum
Trustee - Br. John A. Kennedy
Updated January 29, 2022