These officers were elected on or about September 9, 1918 and installed on Sunday, October 6, 1918.
Chaplain - Rev. Samuel Kavanagh
Grand Knight - GK J. Harry Kennedy
Deputy Grand Knight - Br. George Doll
Chancellor - Br. J. Harry Burkhart
Warden - Br. George Alinau
Financial Secretary - Br. John McE. Wilson
Recorder - Br. John A. Kennedy
Treasurer - Br. Harry G. Dorsey
Advocate - Br. Robert M. Staley
Lecturer - Br. Joseph F. Eisenhauer, Sr.
Inner Guard - Br. G.W. Crum
Outer Guard - Br. Elias Summers
Trustee - Br. Charles B. Staley
Trustee - Br. Howard Young
Trustee - Br. Jacob Dutrow
Convention Delegate Past Grand Knight - PGK Joseph F. Eisenhauer
Convention Delegate alternate to the Grand Knight - Br. William J. Grove
Convention Delegate alternate to the Past Grand Knight - Br. H. J. Lebherz
Updated December 17, 2023