St. John's Council Officers officers 1985-1986


July 1985 - Bishop McNamara Council Installation of Officers, in the Council Chamber at 16 W. 7th Street, Frederick, MD.

(LtoR): Br. Ernest Musser Sr., Grand Knight; Br. Robert Jack, Deputy Grand Knight; Br. William Garner, Chancellor; and Phillip Martino, Warden.

Officers of the 1985-1986 Fraternal Year

These officers were elected on June 3, 1985 at a regular council meeting, installation date is not known. District Deputy was Br. Leonard "Lenny" McCardle.


Chaplain (appointed) - Rev. Marvin Archuleta


  Earnest_Musser,_Sr. Grand Knight - Ernest Musser, Sr.


Deputy Grand Knight - Br. Robert Jack


Chancellor - Br. William Garner


Warden -
  o Br. Phillip "Tony" Martino (resigned August 4, 1985)
  o Br. Dennis Frank (elected September 3, 1985)


Financial Secretary (appointed) - Br. John L. Keepers


Recorder - Br. Michael "Mike" Dalzell


Treasurer - Br. James "Jim" Smothers


Advocate - Br. Donnan Faeke


Lecturer (appointed) - Br. D. Faecke


Inside Guard - Br. George Haky


Outside Guard - Br. Charles Sappington


Trustees - Br. Gene Droneburg (new - 3 yr)
Continued: PGK Kenneth Martin and Br. Gene Droneburg.


Delegates to the MD State Convention -
- Delegate - PGK Robert Weedon
- Alternate - Br. William Brown
- Alternate to GK - Br. Robert Jack


Programs: (from various Council minutes):
Chaplain - Rev Marvin Archuleta
Membership - Br. Martino
Car raffle - Br. Gene Droneburg
Bingo - PGK Robert Weedon
Church - Br. Donnan Faecke
Pro-life - Br. William Garner
Keep Christ in Christmas poster contest - Br. Dalzell
Squires (Youth) Circle - Br. Robert W. Jack


KofC Insurance Advisor: Dennis Valentine


 Updated January 20, 2024